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I’ve said it before, but thank you so much for sharing your gift with everyone! It has been really hard to lose both of my parents much earlier than I expected, but being able to talk to them through you has meant the world! Thank you"
- C.M.
Now that I have had a few days to process what transpired during our session, I want to send to you a very sincere “THANK YOU.” ...You are a true blessing and I am so very grateful to have been on the receiving end of your talents and your insight at a time when I really, really needed it.
Since our session, I feel lighter, calmer and happier. It was a joy to hear from my mother, brother and other relatives and, despite my father’s nastiness and negativity, he actually provided me with the answers I need in order to begin to work through the heartache, hurt and anger that I have regarding him. My emotions still remain on the edge of spilling over, but I do believe that the resulting tears are lighter now and, hopefully with time, those tears will turn into smiles when my heart feels heavy and my thoughts want to wander to sadness.
I intend to follow all of your advice, including smudging my house, purchasing the book “Journey of Souls” by Dr. Michael Newton, hiring a financial advisor, and taking steps to begin letting go of personal, familial items.
Take care and, again, thank you from the bottom of my heart."
- L.P.
"Hi Leslie,
I am a little nervous and don't want to take too much of your time, but I feel the need to reach out to you after our encounter.
First of all, I cannot thank you enough for your help...I am so grateful to have found you and shared this experience with you.
I've had energy work done before, but never as distinct and powerful as this. I felt the most activity in my crown, brow, and heart chakras. I instantly felt tingling and felt the energy levels rise until I reached an "exploding" sensation that brought me to a floating state. That "exploding" sensation was incredible...so powerful I even held my body from shaking a bit.
I studied Massage Therapy a few years ago, this is when I first experimented with my healing abilities. I was introduced to meditation, energy work, and alternative medicine (aside from bodywork), and fell in love with it instantly. I developed a passion for natural healing, and for the first time felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Life took its course, and I had to leave my studies, and practice for a "stable" job.
I've always dreamed of growing old as a healer, and often joke with my partner telling him all I want in life is to be a witch...a good witch who helps people. I've always been fearful that this is an unrealistic desire and doubted I even have the ability to. You can come to understand why it was so emotional, and shocking to hear you share your experience. To hear you confirm that this longing is real.
I am so excited and eager to start my journey. I have started my quest for a mentor but figured I had nothing to lose in asking you for guidance. If you can help me in any way...point me in the direction of a mentor or master who can help guide me and develop my gift...I would forever be grateful.
Nevertheless, you will forever hold a place in my heart, and I will continue my search, and look for answers from within.
Warm regards,"
​- C. D.
"I just wanted to say thank you again. That was the most beautiful meditation I have ever been to. Just gorgeous. I have never experienced a meditation like that before. My past meditation experiences were much different. Much more of seeing through the ego demons. Good and needed at the time as it broke through a lot of bondage, but yours was very heart opening and so refreshingly different! Beautiful rainbow colors, sensual melting imagery, and glittering music...wow. I will be telling others about it for sure! And I will definitely be back again. Just wanted to let you know. And now I know why you had such a crowd. You may need to get a bigger space soon. Haha! :)"
​- Amy H.
"I had looked at Leslie's website a few times and had yet to make an appt. I saw that she was one of the practitioners at a store in central Austin this past Saturday, so I dropped by for a reading.
I told her I wanted to connect with someone who'd passed away. She only had my first name. The first minute was a little off; in retrospect, I believe Leslie was describing my feelings I'd been experiencing and not someone else's description of what happened to them.
Within the first three minutes, she had identified someone who was coming through and was showing her nausea, burning and something to do with the head. Leslie said she kept seeing fingers going into a brain. The woman showed her that her legs went numb and then showed her the side of her body near her abdomen. Leslie then drew a picture of what she was being shown; an oval with a big black spot in it and fingers coming out of it. These are just a few examples of what Leslie shared with me; I just highlighted these because they're physical symptoms that are easily verified or discounted.
The person I wanted to connect with was my mom, who died two weeks ago from glioblastoma, a very aggressive and 100% terminal brain cancer. This type of cancer is almost always described as a tumor with "fingers" that go into the brain. This was the case with my mom. Due to Mom's tumor placement, her leg went numb/paralyzed and she eventually fell and broke her hip. When Leslie drew the picture that she was being shown, she literally drew a picture of my mom's MRI. The placement of the tumor was even accurate. Each physical ailment that Leslie told me about was correct.
I went into the session pretty guarded and reserved, with a healthy dose of skepticism. For the first 20 minutes or so, I didn't really give facial/body language cues and kept my eyes on the table between us. I didn't confirm or deny what she was saying to give her hints that she was on the right/wrong path. We had never met before we sat down together for the reading. While I definitely believe in the afterlife/Heaven etc., I am pretty wary of charlatans, and didn't expect to receive accurate information.
Coming away from my reading, I know without a doubt that Leslie was able to connect with my Mom. There is literally no way that she would be able to describe these very specific medical details. It feels surreal, almost like I dreamed the entire thing, but I have two full pages of Leslie's notes that she wrote as she told me things.
Bottom line, I firmly believe that Leslie is truly able to connect with those who've passed. She was able to lift a great deal of my heart crushing sadness and I can finally breathe and smile for the first time since my mom left. If you need closure regarding someone you love, I recommend booking an appointment with Leslie."
- Sara B.
"I have wanted a reading for as long as I can remember. After the passing of my grandmother I decided to finally have one. I had read so many amazing reviews about Leslie and decided she was the right one. Leslie was so accurate, she even spoke in my grandmother's accent! I felt like I was communicating with her. My brother also came through and Leslie gave me details about his passing that blew me away. I really got the closure I needed and was able to pass the details along to some family members who are still struggling with her passing. I will definitely be back!"
- Shomonica S.
"Thanks so much Leslie. I've been thinking a lot about our session and it was truly an incredible experience. There were some amazing things that came out of it. Since it was my first time I wasn't sure when to elaborate or ask questions. I enjoyed just sitting back and taking it all in. I'll ask for guidance from you the next time we meet. I will definitely be doing it again.
I also have to compliment your responsiveness and will say I just felt a good and trusting connection with you. Intuitively it feels like a great match so again, I look forward to meeting next time. Thanks!"
- Lauren F.
"Dear Leslie,
I met with you yesterday at the Metaphysical Life Fair, and I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for my consultation with you (and for my daughter, too). The meeting was like a doorway into a new dimension of my life and I feel a new way of Being after my session.
I would indeed like to follow up either in person or on the phone.
So thank you again, and I will be back with you soon."
- Catherine W.
" I really want to say thank you. It was such a gift. First of all, I always hear you have every answer inside of you, seek nothing. In any case, I'm sure you've been there. I question, analyze, and question again...human nature. I would never ever have moved forward the way I did today without encountering you. Maybe that's why you thought you knew me or read for me before. It was just meant to be. In any case - I am full! My heart is full and it has been a Release that I will never forget! We have a home on the Blanco and next time I'm in Wimberley I think I owe you a margarita!!"
- McKinley S.
"Thanks, Leslie, and thank you also for a great afternoon! I love being surrounded by such a cool group of folks and I felt terrific after leaving the healing class! What I found to be strange was, although I felt energized, as soon as I got home I immediately needed to rest and ended up taking a 3-hour nap!!! Unheard of! I slept hard and woke refreshed and felt positive.
I very much enjoy the crystals that you provided to us, and can't wait to familiarize myself more with them, individually. It was nice to have time before the meditation to get to know our stones better. I always feel so safe and protected in your presence, and I believe others feel that way too. I'm so appreciative of your gifts and your willingness to share your knowledge and teach others. I hope to learn lots more from you, so keep offering classes!!! Just my thoughts!."
Many thanks again,
- Peg B.
"I have always been skeptical about Psychic Mediums until I met Leslie. She has a true gift, there is no doubt about that. She was able to communicate with a brother I lost. She did not ask me any questions. She felt his energy through a way he passed. As soon as she told me what she was feeling and where, I immediately knew it was him. I was in complete shock. She was able to tell me about certain things that were going on in my life. Leslie gave me peace with the passing of my brother and I left with an understanding of some challenging situations I was facing. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude. Thank you Leslie!!"
- J.V.
​"I had an appointment with you a while back and wanted to tell you the predictions you gave me have now aligned with time. Thanks again - my business has so far turned out successful!"
- M.M.
"Hi Leslie,
I met with you last Friday. Wonderful reading you gave me.
​I wanted to thank you sincerely for such a great reading as it brought a lot of awareness and light to many questions I had unanswered or, rather, just didn't have much clarity to.
I wrote and finished (and probably will add more) to my love letter and also feel so much better since then.
​I'm more than sure my energy was a bit off but also because I was in a funk and was getting out of a cold. Either way, thank you for being such a light in this world and for doing what you do. You are revolutionizing individuals and this world by your guidance.
​Have a wonderful day."
- Micah R.
​"Leslie has a wonderful, authentic gift. I have had two readings with her and both times am left with so much joy and feelings of contentedness after hearing from loved ones in spirit. Her ability to hear what spirit has to say and translate so I can understand it is phenomenal. I can't recommend her enough. Thank you, Leslie! I know we will talk again."
- Kim W.